Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Genghis Khan said:
:devil:  Maybe the driver did survive the crash and maybe I survived my 666 posts.    :devil2:

May I have 3 hip-hip-hoorays, s'il vu plait?

:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

it's "s'il vous plaît"

vu, is the past participle of verbe voir = to see, from where the expression déjà vu = allready seen

is the plural of you,

there is a difference in pronanciation also, vu is prononced almost like [vi] but vous like [vou]


now that you got into armagedon, let's hope you won't stuck in madness and best of forums
.....and once inside it's difficult to stuck out !!  :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

111 posts to the end of the world  :D :D :D :D :D

Got it from here http://monster.namedecoder.com/
Nice job, GK! 666 posts!

OK, no5, you better catch up to him! you have 111 posts to go!  :P

I'm gonna get to 555 before you get to 666!  :lol: j/k
powerslave is one of the thousand reasons that made me be no5  ;)

I just LOVE it !.... as an album, as a Birch's production, as a song.... as everything !!!


The underscores that precede no5's name seem to get longer and longer (or more and more, should I say) - or is that just me?

I'm sure I've asked this question before. :huh:
____no5 said:
Albie. United Kingdom.  maybe a cousin, maybe a friend of REAL Albie : ours !  :)  :S ...Ike's !!  ;)
Another dog called Albie. :D
Albie said:
The underscores that precede no5's name seem to get longer and longer (or more and more, should I say) - or is that just me?

I'm sure I've asked this question before. :huh:

in deed, you've asked it before.... as far as I know the underscores rested the same
but it's true that sometimes under
strange circostances
even to me they seem to get longer too !!  ;)


@ porcnoz : you'll see me there one day

as soon as l stuck out
Albie said:
This post is meaningless.
I sent this post from my Blackberry - why? Out of nothing short of sheer boredom (with a dash of curiosity). For whatever reason, I wanted to see what IP address it gave - but more exciting than that (as only me and mods can see my IP address) the image for the properties of the post is different >>>
Albie said:
I sent this post from my Blackberry - why? Out of nothing short of sheer boredom (with a dash of curiosity). For whatever reason, I wanted to see what IP address it gave - but more exciting than that (as only me and mods can see my IP address) the image for the properties of the post is different >>>

yeah and I wanted to ask you about that image :ok:

the mods know our IPs ? or it is the admins ?
