Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I might actually be approaching a burnout.

That's not good. If it's about work can you get it across to them that they're at risk of being a member of staff down if they let it continue? I ended up off work for almost three months last time they pushed me too hard for too long.
That's not good. If it's about work can you get it across to them that they're at risk of being a member of staff down if they let it continue? I ended up off work for almost three months last time they pushed me too hard for too long.

It's not that simple, unfortunately. I sort of implied it to them, but it's not just work in the strict sense.
It's not that simple, unfortunately. I sort of implied it to them, but it's not just work in the strict sense.

Given that you work at a museum for islamic art, the response was something like "inshallah"?

Jokes aside, hope you're able to sort this out before running into a wall.
You know what would be a good name for a web radio station which plays a lot of Priest?

Streaming for Vengeance :p

Hmmm... Perun has indeed not being saying much here lately. Hope you're okay big chap; think we're missing you. Stress/burnout, &/or a feeling of their impending approach, is not funny at all.

Maidenfans are here to help @Perun! :ok: