Now playing: Rage Against The Machine, "Wake Up".
No, wait - my winamp just moved on to a new song.
Now playing: Bruce Dickinson, "Zulu Lulu".
But about that RATM song - if you're not into RATM, I can't understand why not. They were a great band; their debut album is a monster classic. Rocha's "vocals" (i.e. his rapping) may not be every metalhead's cup of tea, but it's not bad ... and the music is colossal. Those riffs are fucking huge. I don't know which musician writes them (I presume guitarist Tom Morello is the primary culprit), but those guys could compete with Tony Iommi for the title of all-time monster-riff-creator.
And the song has changed again!
Now playing: Iron Maiden, "The Number Of The Beast" (one of the versions from BBC Archives).
I wish I had a nickel for every version of this song I've got.
Because then I'd have 95 cents!