Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

____no5 said:

nice your link Raven  :bigsmile:

I never saw any of Rambo series but this thing made me laugh !! LOL

I wonder if comes originally from a Rambo serie, or is something where Stalone
gives us an awesome display of autosarcasm  :D

No, that's the first Rambo movie, 'First Blood'.  Rambo's a 'Nam Veteran, and gets hauled in by the corrupt police for being a 'drifter' (i.e. they're anti-veteran).  They're about to cut his hair with a razor blade, when he has a flashback to being tortured in Vietnam, and flips, beating the living crap about them.

It's not until First Blood: Part II that he starts beating the shite out of nameless Asian grunts... :smartarse:
I think that scene is from the first Rambo, __no5. As for the new one, Raven, not enough gratuitous violence and bloodshed*. :D

*Cheesy Manowar reference.
Albie said:
I think that scene is from the first Rambo, __no5. As for the new one, Raven, not enough gratuitous violence and bloodshed*. :D

*Cheesy Manowar reference.

Why, how much gratuitous violence do you want?  Him ripping the guy's testicles out through his digestive tract or something?
LOL I had a real laugh on it LOL

the best laugh moment in a movie was when I was watching "life of Brian" -my girl were sleeping  next to me

the vibrations of the bed -because of my laughs- were enough strong, that she woke up at least 5 or so times during the movie ....AWESOME

Raven said:
Why, how much gratuitous violence do you want?  Him ripping the guy's testicles out through his digestive tract or something?
Something like that.
'Dawn's cold compassion, filters through the trees....'

NP: Primordial - And The Sun Set On Life Forever
Albie said:
Something like that.

then you have to see "hostel", apparently one of the most violent films ever (Tarantino's production)

____no5 said:
wise thy* words, Onhell
when I see that I'm sourrounded by wise men
it gives me a feeling to be Onparadise


np : hallowed be THY name, no seriously  :D
____no5 said:
then you have to see "hostel", apparently one of the most violent films ever (Tarantino's production)
No wonder.  He's a really sick bastard.  -_- :mad:

____no5 said:
-my girl were sleeping  next to me

the vibrations of the bed -because of my laughs

All I can say is LOL!  :D


7th Son Of A 7th Son  (the track) was playing on my winamp, I go back to the main page of the forum and I see this :

25 Guests, 7 Users (1 Hidden)
Users active in past 15 minutes:
Helphyre, Eddies Wingman, Invader, Real World, Duncan, Shadow

____no5 said:
then you have to see "hostel", apparently one of the most violent films ever (Tarantino's production)
Oops! I was being sarcastic at the fact that the new Rambo movie was quite a bloodfest. I'm not that appreciative of violence. :P
Oh, no, not at all. *cough bullshit! cough*


I haven't heard Tyranny Of Souls yeat though. Is it worth my while to get it? For me personally, I doubt it tops AOB  :D
Powergirl81 said:
Oh yes, Raven  :(

I'll play some Metallica later  ;)

Gotta move...gotta move...

NP: Metallica - (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth

Bit of a filler, if you ask me...yeah, Cliff was good, but he wasn't that good.  Still, the segue into Whiplash is priceless.

EDIT: Since I turned a new page, I decided to give you some 'Go up' image love :D
Anesthesia is really good! My husband has fiddled around with it before. Wonder if SMX can play it?  :P

Whiplash is great. On Live Shit: Binge and Purge, in the middle, James yells "DICKRASH!" When I first heard that I cracked up!  :lol: LOL
Powergirl81 said:
Anesthesia is really good! ... Wonder if SMX can play it?

Yes, I can.


Around 1987 I learned the whole thing note-for-note. By ear, mind you - real men don't use transcriptions. I even bought a combination distortion/wah pedal to get the sound right.

Now it's 20 years later, and I only remember bits and pieces of it. I was messing around with it a few months ago, and I found that I could remember most of the parts before the drums enter, although I don't recall all the bits after that.