Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I admit I've never looked into this, Saap: How does this work? Who gives you the money, how much for what, what is, in essence, the business model?

Funny thing is, I'm not fully sure how it works myself. I have the option to monetise my videos when uploaded. Different ads are then added to the video and/or around it. I guess I get money when people click on them.
Funny thing is, I'm not fully sure how it works myself. I have the option to monetise my videos when uploaded. Different ads are then added to the video and/or around it. I guess I get money when people click on them.

It works through Google AdSense. When you enable ads on your videos, YouTube inserts an add to the video (sometimes at the beginning, sometimes on a random part of the video) and to its surroundings. You don't get paid when people click on them, you get paid per time people click on a video you've monetized and enabled ads for. I think the exact number of payment per view varies because the percentage of payment for view count is decided with an auction between the company that places the ad and Google.
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