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That feeling when you have Iron Maiden blasting through your headphones at 7am whilst you're trying to recover from a heavy drinking session...great counter to hangovers.

In related news, my sister's best friend met Bruce Dickinson and ate some cakes that she brought into work.
They grade unfairly, they take too long to do some things (I had to re-do an undone homework, it's been weeks now and she still hasn't changed the failed mark) and one is just a bitch of a person.

Basically, my grades are worse than ever right now and half the reason is the teachers themselves.
I and the fiancee brought home a kitten two days ago. But I'm not very sure it's working out with our four year old cat. The kitten is all over Herman, biting him on the neck etc. And Herman is so extremely kind, that he doesn't discipline him the way he should, and he is not behaving the way he usually is, because he doesn't feel secure anymore. Herman kicked his ass a couple of times now though. I mean cats fight, but the little one is relentless.

It's literally breaking my heart when Herman is upset. Literally, because I can't even describe the amount of love I have for him. So it's very difficult, and if it does not improve this day then I will return the kitten, adorable as he is. My fiancee has barely slept for two days, as she's been up, making sure it doesn'tget out of hand.
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