Powergirl81 said:
Shouldn't that be Denver?
Nice tune, btw...what is it?
a: No.
b: How should I know what tune it is? I just wrote it on the spur of the moment. Do I seem like the kind of person who pays attention to what he writes?
Brian: Do you listen to yourself when you talk?
Peter: I drift in and out.
Albie said:
I take it that SMX has slept since declaring he was awake for over 24 hours!
Three times! Two normal nights and one brief nap.
Powergirl81 said:
Oh right, I read that yesterday was it? Hell, I was up for 20 hours one time...i was exhausted!
Actually, I stay up for 24+ hours on a regular basis. At least two or three times per month.
Albie said:
Best I've done is something like 20 hours - then I slept solid for 12.
7000 - 6872 = 128. Blimey, we will get there before we know it.
My all-time record was 42 consecutive hours awake, which included two shifts at work, each of them over 12 hours long.
Invader said:
I think I've done 26, at best. Hmm, I haven't posted in this thread for a long time, maybe I should start helping out.
There's a funny thing that happens starting around the 20-hour point, at least for me. I start going through phases, about 4 hours each, where I'm either tired or wide awake.
So hours 20-24 I'm tired...
But around 24 I get my energy back...
Then hours 28-32 are rough again...
But 32-36 I'm ready to kick ass and take names...
I'm not sure what it says about me that I've pulled so many stretches like this that I perceived such patterns in the first place.
Onhell said:
I hereby declare that I am boycotting this joke of a high-jacking thread!
Mmm ... cot. Maybe I'd sleep better in a cot, and not wind up staying awake so many nights.
Maybe I should mention that right now, it's 9:20 pm and I'm not at all tired. I might stay awake tonight.
Powergirl81 said:
Please help, Invader, I want post 7000 tomorrow!
I don't actually have anything more to say. I just felt that I ought to continue my pattern of replying to everything.
Maybe I should go back to the start of the thread and start replying to those.
The Ancient Mariner said:
Well, let's start again. The previous record is about 2,600. This is a serious retry.
What happened to AM anyway? Haven't seen him around here in ages.
Looks like we smashed the old record, at least.
Darkark said:
dream job = computer programer
I mastered QBASIC, and VBASIC and now, for the terror
I know HTML, Javascript, CSS, Python, C#, LotusScript, VBScript, and can hack around with C, C++ and Java.
I even learned BASIC back in the early 80s.
Take that, brother - may it serve you well.
Shadow said:
This was post 1000. Shadow gets one point.
dogigniter said:
Post #2000. Poochburner gets a point for something that makes no sense.
Yax said:
It's not nearly as gr1m, n3cr0 or even as fr0stb1tt3n as this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsIjenO1 ... ch=pokemon
#3000. Yax gets -1 points for his Church of Murray bullcrap.
Raven said:
You are, to quote maritza, 'wierd'.
#4000 by Raven, who gets one point despite my deep misgivings about being so generous.
Natalie said:
Well, don't mean to dissapoint you Raven, but its not quite that simple in this case.
#5000 by Natalie. Abiding by her statement, Raven's one point is withdrawn.
Yax said:
I have made the 6000th post!
#6000 by Yax, who loses another point for bragging about it.
Final score, from bottom to top:
Yax, -2
Raven, 0
Shade and Poochburner tie for the win with one point each!
In a moment of insufferable insanity, I now quote this very post.
SinisterMinisterX said:
a: No.
b: How should I know what tune it is? I just wrote it on the spur of the moment. Do I seem like the kind of person who pays attention to what he writes?
Brian: Do you listen to yourself when you talk?
Peter: I drift in and out.
Three times! Two normal nights and one brief nap.
Actually, I stay up for 24+ hours on a regular basis. At least two or three times per month.
My all-time record was 42 consecutive hours awake, which included two shifts at work, each of them over 12 hours long.
There's a funny thing that happens starting around the 20-hour point, at least for me. I start going through phases, about 4 hours each, where I'm either tired or wide awake.
So hours 20-24 I'm tired...
But around 24 I get my energy back...
Then hours 28-32 are rough again...
But 32-36 I'm ready to kick ass and take names...
I'm not sure what it says about me that I've pulled so many stretches like this that I perceived such patterns in the first place.
Mmm ... cot. Maybe I'd sleep better in a cot, and not wind up staying awake so many nights.
Maybe I should mention that right now, it's 9:20 pm and I'm not at all tired. I might stay awake tonight.
I don't actually have anything more to say. I just felt that I ought to continue my pattern of replying to everything.
Maybe I should go back to the start of the thread and start replying to those.
What happened to AM anyway? Haven't seen him around here in ages.
Looks like we smashed the old record, at least.
I know HTML, Javascript, CSS, Python, C#, LotusScript, VBScript, and can hack around with C, C++ and Java.
I even learned BASIC back in the early 80s.
Take that, brother - may it serve you well.
This was post 1000. Shadow gets one point.
Post #2000. Poochburner gets a point for something that makes no sense.
#3000. Yax gets -1 points for his Church of Murray bullcrap.
#4000 by Raven, who gets one point despite my deep misgivings about being so generous.
#5000 by Natalie. Abiding by her statement, Raven's one point is withdrawn.
#6000 by Yax, who loses another point for bragging about it.
Final score, from bottom to top:
Yax, -2
Raven, 0
Shade and Poochburner tie for the win with one point each!
Whoa. Now that's deep.
SinisterMinisterX said:
SinisterMinisterX said: