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So as most of you know, I work as a guide and educator at the Museum for Islamic Art. Here's why I love the job: I had a class (second grade) from a Jewish school today, and at one point, I stop to let the kids roam around and discover things for themselves.

Kid #1: Is this Arabic script?
Me: Yes. You read it from right to left.
Kid #1: Like Hebrew!
Me: Exactly like Hebrew.
Kid #1: What does it say?
Kid #2: Something evil.
Teacher: What makes you think that?
Kid #2: It's in Arabic. Arabia is evil.
Teacher (angrily gesticulating towards the marvelous artworks that surround us): Does this look evil to you?!

The teacher then turned around and told me this was exactly why she was bringing the class here. I love education. :)

But it did say something evil, right :)

My RE teacher from high school is a Protestant and he told my class once that his primary school, in the west of Scotland, was right next to a Catholic primary school. The playgrounds were separated by a wall so kids from each side would yell sectarian abuse over the wall every day without being able to see each other. Sort of funny and sad at the same time.
So, the whole situation in Ukraine...I just read an article, it turns out that some Russian diplomats seem concerned with the way Russians are treated in Estonia. Also, I heard that NATO is placing some troops here and today, when riding home on a bus, I saw a line of military vehicles driving by.
I'm not expecting Putin to touch any country that is in NATO and/or EU.