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No, stupid to avoid them. Flies have killed more people, by spreading disease. Spiders eat flies. Therefore spiders are our friends.

Sorry Saap, if you saw that.
I'm not a massive spider fan but I can deal with them. However, when I was a child I was about to walk upstairs one time but saw a spider the size of my fist and jumped six feet in the air!
It's like horses with their fear of snakes, (plus hosepipes and and anything that might possibly resemble a snake). If they got a bite in the leg it could be enough to make them lame and stop them being able to escape a predator.
It's like horses with their fear of snakes, (plus hosepipes and and anything that might possibly resemble a snake). If they got a bite in the leg it could be enough to make them lame and stop them being able to escape a predator.

Smart guys.

As for the phobia, I do think it's more prominent than anyone's arachnophobia I've come across. Most people just don't like spiders. For example, one time when I was just about to go to sleep, a spider appeared. I was too scared to go to the other end of the room to switch off the light, sharing the floor with the legged devil, because then I wouldn't know where he's headed. So I just went and slept on the couch.
The biggest ones - not huge in an international context but pretty much as large as they come here - I can barely even bear to look at. Summer is coming, hibernation is ending...
I've had a pretty colourful phobia before, to the extent that I couldn't read words that were close to the name of the thing I was scared of without getting intense fear. That's not one for an open forum, though, chat only!