Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

No :D

The only mishap is that grandpa claimed there was another shop of the same manufacturer closer to us. It wasn't listed on their website. I pointed that out, but he was all "I SAW IT THERE A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO", so we went there and, of course, there was no sign of it. Eventually we went to the shop I wanted to go to, but instead of taking one bus there, due to this detour we had to take four ::) Old people...
I'm way too fussy an eater to survive in the military it would appear. If I were to be given that ration pack every day (UK one I mean) I'd likely be trying to live off Polo's >.>
It's alright. I've tried it. I'd go for the Italian one myself, and not only for the grappa. No cuisine beats the Italian one.
I find clocks to be unreliable for determining sleep, because there is too much of the "semi-sleep" either side where you are awake and responsive, but can't remember a thing :P
I find clocks to be unreliable for determining sleep, because there is too much of the "semi-sleep" either side where you are awake and responsive, but can't remember a thing :p

That's a bit odd. Is there a really bright light beforehand? Flashbacks of grey humanoid beings with large eyes?