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Facebook is ten years old today. I hope it doesn't last too much longer. Imagine what would happen if we woke up tomorrow morning to discover it had been deleted. Some people literally live their lives by it and wouldn't know what to do.:bigsmile:
Facebook is ten years old today. I hope it doesn't last too much longer. Imagine what would happen if we woke up tomorrow morning to discover it had been deleted. Some people literally live their lives by it and wouldn't know what to do.:bigsmile:

Yes, me for one.
I wouldn't like it if it disappeared, but I don't think it would severely affect my life. When it comes to planning events, there are other means. And for the people I really wouldn't want to lose contact with, I have more means than just Facebook to keep in touch.
For most people, I have other means too. But seriously, Facebook makes it a lot easier and convenient. For a very simple example, I was discussing a meetup with six friends the other day, and it was a lot easier to have it all written there when everybody can make it and when not. I remember doing that by phone and text message, and it was always a torturous thing to do. Not everything that is modern is bad.
I agree with Perun. It has certainly made many things easier and is a huge positive. However, I'd say those positives are equal to the negatives (i.e. over-saturation of pointless information, keeping up with people I could care less about and vice versa, and the enormous time suck).
Actually, Facebook doesn't suck up much of my time. I review my news feed once or twice a day, and it only takes up a bit of time when there is an interesting conversation going on somewhere. I also have a few world news services in the feed, so it keeps me updated on the headlines.