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Well, the pressure was at the max safety, but not past it, and the pressure gauge was tested after and read well, so it looks like a defective tire. It burst funny, too, it lashed out along the flat instead of blowing out the side, so probably a bad belt.
Meh, what's the point? Nobody was hurt. If it hit me, I'd probably be on worker's comp for awhile. Or dead.
Glad you got lucky there, Loose.

As for me, I am tired dizzy and silly.
Long week at work. Training is good but so much shit. And, yes, I actually shut down the wrong server. :face palm:
Yup. Long breakfast with fresh-brewed coffee is a far nicer start to a Friday than the hurried breakfast I usually have before going to work. I also have time to read my newspaper from start to finish :)