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I watched a show on the TV the other day. Or was it last week? Could've been this Monday actually. Anyway. two detectives were talking about a recent homicide. And guess what. The word "relevant" somewhat came up in the dialogue (although, I must say, utterly poorly constructed dialogue). After the show finished I went for a nap followed by a glass of water.

Just because I somehow managed to interject the word relevant here in my made up story doesn't make my post relevant to the topic, discussion or anything! :p Get my point? Feeble association does not equal relevance.
I watched a show on the TV the other day. Or was it last week? Could've been this Monday actually. Anyway. two detectives were talking about a recent homicide. And guess what. The word "relevant" somewhat came up in the dialogue (although, I must say, utterly poorly constructed dialogue). After the show finished I went for a nap followed by a glass of water.
I have finished my beer. Now it's soon time to watch the next episode of Sherlock and have some of that single moillt.
It airs in February here in Sweden. It it already showing in Norway or are you watching BBC or something?

I'm stoked myself and can't wait for February to arrive. I suppose I could download it or whatever, but it would ruin my anticipation a bit.
I just love it when customers treat you like shit even though you're trying to help them. It really brings down your spirits. That's the wonderful world of customer service... I should be use to this by now. <_<