Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

No need to be sorry. Showing that you're capable of critical thinking is a good thing.

In other news, I'm almost done with the Christmas presents. One remains, I hope to fix it as early as possible tomorrow. But first, a relaxing evening where I'll down a few beers and play guitar.
So guys, this happens to be the best day at work I'll ever have. One of my higher ups (my managers manager) allowed me to take a double shot of Jager at work. I'm feeling pretty good right now. :D Tipsy but not drunk. I don't know how I'd be able to hold up if I was drunk and on the phones.
There was a Finn who was on a trip to Stockholm. He sat down on a bench in a park to have a beer. A Swedish woman comes up to him and says: "You know, it's possible to have fun without drinking". The Finn replies:

"Mrs. ... I am from Finland. We can drink without having fun"