Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Today is one of those days where I'm mighty proud of my short term memory. I tried to memorize the answers to a 50 question exam in the last 20 minutes and managed to ace it. The answers weren't short either!
Just logged in for the first time in one (1! ONLY 1!) day and I have 31 alerts...:bigsurprise:

Turns out it's because @AndrewLaeddis posted in a bunch of different song commentary threads. I have now learned how to use the "Unwatch Thread" button.

HAHA. Good form!

My registration here caused me to do a comprehensive listening to the entire catalog and allowed me the time to rate each song. The ratings on this forum were a huge help in that regard. I tried to space out my ratings! Seems like Andrew is about to do the same thing I did, so I'm expecting some high numbers of alerts over the next couple weeks.
I put in my notice today. With holidays and vacation days, I only have 10 days left to work at my current job. Then I'll be working 4 miles from home! And, get to visit Lestrem France once a year :)