Ancient Mariner
So what you're saying Black Wizard is that we've got a celebrity Maiden fan on our boards?
What are you guys talking about? Why is she trending?
LOL true.We do have a picture thread for that sort of thing.
It was nice not seeing those on this forum..Hash tags.
I don't know?! Black Wizard made that up...or is following her on Twitter or whatever #maidenfans, #stalking, #Ariana #trending
I don't have anything against twitter, I have an account and I take a look once in a blue moon, but seeing people use hashtags outside of twitter is one of my irrational pet peeves.
I follow musicians I like, but it's not much use because most of the important stuff ends up on facebook too. I suppose hash tags are used to keep up with what's trendy.I don't have Twitter and really see no use for it or hash tags.