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Many of the teenagers who have the image on their shirts, bags or whatever, probably just think of it as a cool picture, and don't think too much about the meaning. I'm saying many, not all, or even most. I suppose the majority of people are aware of who Che Guevara was, and what his background was, and could at the very least say "socialist rebel from Cuba". The famous picture alone is so strong in its expression of rebellion that you don't need to identify with Communism or Socialism to feel drawn to it. It expresses steadfast determination and unbreakable spirit in the face of a young, rugged, unshaved man, looking towards a golden future he is ready to give his life for. Regardless of the political background, I find it very difficult not to be captivated by the sheer power of the image.
Everyone has to show their rebellious side and individuality by wearing the same thing, going to the same stores, and eating/drinking the same foods/drinks
@Perun - I guess you're right in that. The image in itself is captivating, no doubt.

Everyone has to show their rebellious side and individuality by wearing the same thing, going to the same stores, and eating/drinking the same foods/drinks

This is probably a general phenomenon, yes. Why do young people want to show rebellion? Quite often, it is because they look up to someone that they portray as rebellious and want to be like them. This is how one counter-culture after another enters the mainstream.
@Perun - I guess you're right in that. The image in itself is captivating, no doubt.

And it goes to a whole new level when you consider that, unlike many other revolutionaries, Che really did carry his idealism to the end, and died for his cause. Like many youths, I was completely engrossed by this romanticism, and I think that is one reason why I detest idolatry nowadays.
I had my training day for volunteering today. I have six days over the next fortnight, starting on Monday, of herding children into cinema theatres.