Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

At the time of posting, a total of 98,726 messages has been posted on the forums. If we merged every single thread into this one we would be pretty close.
Shadow said:
At the time of posting, a total of 98,726 messages has been posted on the forums. If we merged every single thread into this one we would be pretty close.

To quote a certain bearded chap in Russia c.1917...'Anything is acceptable in the name of the revolution' ;D

NP: Rage - Power and Greed
NP: nothing.  The damned TV is on... crappy chick show is being watched by my g/f.  (I hope she does not lean over and read this as I type it).  :D

NE (now eating): hmmm... a sandwich - whole wheat bread with melted cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, mustard, smoked turkey.  Now I gotta go and make it.
The now playing thread got deleted around 7/8 months back.

NP: Blaze - Alive.
Now Recording: 28 Days Later - as I'm not staying up to watch it, way too tired.
Wow..it's been aday and a half since I've been here, I guess I didn't miss much.

Uh...LooseCannon, did you get my email yesterday? *just wondering*  :bigsmile:

*looking at other threads I need to catch up on*
rather silent tonight, eh?

*what should I start?*  :D

Maiden just finsihed their tour! that meanns they'll work on the history DVD now! *yes!*  :ok:
Now listening to: My USB HDD whir away as a scheduled Virus Check scans it, whilst the morning TV plays on in the background and the dogs (waiting in anticipation for the post-man) bark at every passer-by.
I know what to say..I'm going to see Rush tonight!  :ok:

Who here in this forum likes Rush? This will be my first time seeing them! We'll be on the lawn, but it will still be a good show.  :bigsmile:
*just went to ironmaiden.com*

"Thanks for a great tour! See you on the road in 2008!"

YES! Now the countdown begins... :D
Albie said:
Now enjoying: a well earned lunch-hour break.

I wish I had an hour for lunch, I only get 30 mins... :down:
Not enough time to eat!

*Getting ready to run my errands for the day...*

Rush tonight! Woohoo!  :yey: