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It's a movie about a chimp gaining super intelligence and leading a revolt against humans. I'm pretty sure science was the last thing on their minds.
Don't you just love it when movies try to fool the viewer into thinking they're doing something smart when they really aren't? It's always fun catching a movie in the wrong.
Yeah, especially when the dramatic effect would have been increased had they gotten it right. I should conquer Hollywood.

What's the issue?

Simple. At the very beginning, a scientist announces a breakthrough in medication research because a chimp reacted positively to it. It is even literally stated that this is the first positive reaction they've had after five years of research; yet, there are no further tests being made on other chimps to verify the results, there is no reference being made to a control group, nor anything else along those lines. A single chimp reacts positively, and they are announcing a scientific breakthrough to investors. Not only should the researcher who denied the necessity of further research (it's being said in the film) be stripped of all his credentials, but no investor in medicine would be convinced by a single test result in five years of research. It's bullshit. It's fucking bullshit.
Also, the CGI fails to convince me that a single chimp even came close to a camera during filming.
Am I the only one who prefers latest remasters/deluxe editions instead of original releases?

After a recent intensive comparison between the original and remastered editions of Iron Maiden and Somewhere in Time, I'm no longer on your side. I used to think that only audiophile sound nazis will hear any sort of difference, but no. It really is a completely different sonic experience. I already had the feeling when I got the '98 CD remaster of the debut, after having listened to it on vinyl only for a few years, but I never bothered to do a proper examination. But upon hearing the original of SIT for the first time, I went back and checked again. It's like they're entirely different recordings.
I had a similar experience with some of the Rush remasters New versions aren't bad, but there's definitely a difference.
I only know the remastered versions of the early Iron Maiden albums and I have no interest in checking the original recordings to compare. Good music is good music.
A man is sitting in a plane waiting for takeoff, when an attractive young blonde woman sits down next to him. After a while of uncomfortable silence, he eventually speaks to her:
"It's a long flight, and time passes quicker if you are having a nice conversation."
The blonde replies, "alright, what do you want to talk about?"
"Uhm, how about nuclear power?"
"Very well," the blonde says, "but first answer me a question. When cows excrete, they produce cowpats. Rabbits excrete in small pebbles. And horse excrement takes the shape of balls. Why do you think that is?"
"Uh, I don't know."
So the blonde replies,
"So what makes you think you're qualified to talk about nuclear power when you don't know shit?
11. But I've never made a secret out of the fact that I haven't seen very many cult films.