Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Jupiter has a bloody storm that's 3x the size of earth.  It's like the Rosie O'Donnell of planets.
Good morning everyone  B)

Work was the same as usual...boring LOL

Anyone look at my 3 Adrian Smith posts? Do you think Sinister Minister should add them to his Scriptures? Or do I need special permission?

Are there any Murray Scriptures, I dare ask?  :blush:
Powergirl81 said:
Good morning everyone  B)

Work was the same as usual...boring LOL

Anyone look at my 3 Adrian Smith posts? Do you think Sinister Minister should add them to his Scriptures? Or do I need special permission?

Are there any Murray Scriptures, I dare ask?  :blush:

Yep, indeed there are.
Yax said:
Yep, indeed there are.

OK...may I look at them? I believe Loose Cannon said "welcome to the Church of H" yesterday, so it is wrong of me to look at the "blonde bombshell's" Scriptures?

Dare I ask the percentage of H worshippers vs. Murray worshippers? *bracing for impact*  :blush:

I'm torn...!  :wub:
Powergirl81 said:
OK...may I look at them? I believe Loose Cannon said "welcome to the Church of H" yesterday, so it is wrong of me to look at the "blonde bombshell's" Scriptures?

Dare I ask the percentage of H worshippers vs. Murray worshippers? *bracing for impact*  :blush:

I'm torn...!  :wub:

H's High Priest is in reality a Murray worshipper, so The Church of H's credability REALLY should be questioned. Most people are H'ians on this forum though...
Yax said:
H's High Priest is in reality a Murray worshipper, so The Church of H's credability REALLY should be questioned. Most people are H'ians on this forum though...

OK....I would say I am one too. Back on my bday I wastched Visions of the Beast and watched Wasted Years...
"OMG, that's Adrian singing w/Bruce??"  :blush:

That started it all!

But...Murray did want H in the band in 1980...they formed Urchin (or Evil Ways or whatever it was) back in school...so where are the Murray Scriptures?  :bigsmile:
*Wondering about Yax's pies*...

Where is everyone? No posts in almost an hour?

*Wondering how she can get a cool custom name...* I guess I'm still a newbie for that, eh?
*Loves both Smith AND Murray*? Is that possible? I guess so... :blush:
Powergirl81 said:
But...Murray did want H in the band in 1980...they formed Urchin (or Evil Ways or whatever it was) back in school...so where are the Murray Scriptures?  :bigsmile:

Here's some of them:

Thou shallt worship Dave Murray
Dave Murray is the secret ingredient in ALL pies.
Dave Murray knows how to resurrect the dead.
The stars and the planets are only the dirt under Dave Murrays nails.
Wayne Gretzky was in reality just Dave Murray with a mask.
It wasn’t Jimi Hendrix who played the guitars on his albums. It was Dave jamming.
Dave Murray outshines the sun.
Dav Murray can play guitar without strings.
Dave Murray can write HTML-codes without using a single letter or number.
Dave Murray can drink more than 1000000000 liters of water in 3 seconds.
Yax said:
Here's some of them:

Thou shallt worship Dave Murray
Dave Murray is the secret ingredient in ALL pies.
Dave Murray knows how to resurrect the dead.
The stars and the planets are only the dirt under Dave Murrays nails.
Wayne Gretzky was in reality just Dave Murray with a mask.
It wasn’t Jimi Hendrix who played the guitars on his albums. It was Dave jamming.
Dave Murray outshines the sun.
Dav Murray can play guitar without strings.
Dave Murray can write HTML-codes without using a single letter or number.
Dave Murray can drink more than 1000000000 liters of water in 3 seconds.

All right, those are great.
But let me ask this...*thinking*
Why is it that Dave Murray AND Adrian Smith have never written a song toegther? It's either Murray/Harris or Smith/Harris or Smith/Harris/Dickinson....ya know what I'm asking?
Powergirl81 said:
All right, those are great.
But let me ask this...*thinking*
Why is it that Dave Murray AND Adrian Smith have never written a song toegther? It's either Murray/Harris or Smith/Harris or Smith/Harris/Dickinson....ya know what I'm asking?

Because Adrian Smith is Dave Murray.  Don't let Yax fool you; his Church has but two members, and he was fooled into believing the bait we set about that SMX is a Murray worshipper.  This was done to entice heretics to come forward and reveal their true allegiances.  Soon, the combined forces of the Churches of H and 'Arry will crush the pathetic attempt at a religion, and their cringe worthy excuse for scriptures will be cast to the pyre.

Oh, and Adrian Smith stopped us posting here yesterday, so that we could observe and gather more evidence against the Arch-heretic (well, there are only two!), Yax.

Adrian Smith farts in the key of Bb minor.
Adrian Smith's solo in 'Stranger...' is a note-for-note transposition of the mating call of the three-toed gronk, from Zetil V.
In Communist Russia, Adrian Smith is still larger than you.
Adrian Smith is able to milk anything with nipples.
Adrian Smith was the first person to make contact with the troll people, in particular Bill Bailey.
Adrian Smith laughs at the heretic's attempts at humour.

Suck on that, heretic! >:[
The rival churches battle while the supreme being* oversees it all unfold.

*Please don't question his identity. ;)
H's name is praised on every rugby, american footbal and gaelic pitch the word over
Stonehenge used to be a series of large H's, before H knocked the tops off so they would be football posts (this was to accommodate his friend, 'Arry)
It's no surprise that the most common elementint he universe is 'H', is it?
H is also the home key on your keyboard, so that your fingers will always remember H's importance
On top of that, Adrian Smith founded the first Hospital (and its symbol, H), and the helicopter (and the helipad, H)
Notice that nearly every sentence contains at least one H, and yet few contain Murray
Plus, turn H on its side and you get an I...thereby giving the greeting of 'Hi', when the two are added together
Notice how , in Lord of LigHt, Murray's solo comes tacked on after H's, as he tries to eclipse H's ability, and fails?

All of your scriptures combined can't even approach the sheer brilliance of one of H's.

As to Albie, there is certain leniency towards the established Church of 'Arry, and perhaps we can come to an agreement in the future which can accommodate both of these deities, which (it could be argued) are part of the single, unique divine (combine H and 'Arry...they fit like hand to glove!).

For Yax, though...no quarter for heretics!!