Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

And now I've finished preparing and eating that chicken. Yumm.

In other news, it seems unlikely that the current government of Norway will get the opportunity to continue after the election on September 9th. The Labour Party are bound to do a worse election than in 2009, and their coalition partners are really struggling. The Conservative party (Høyre), a centre-right party, are likely to form a new government, but who will be their coalition partners?
It's been cloudy and (relatively) cooler here for the last week. Here's hoping it keeps up! For those 'Mericans out there: Happy Labor Day Weekend! Hope you get Monday off.
Body of local teen found off a walking trail in a local park. Her sister is friends with my youngest.
Doesn't look like foul play, but people are shook up.
Things like this don't happen much in small towns like mine.
Fourteen. The girl who died is 16. Feel awful for her family.
She texted her dad that she was going for a walk and she'd be home in two hours.
Never came back.
My condoleances, mckindog. I wish you and especially your daughter and of course her friend and family as much as strength as possible.