Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

A blonde orders a beer. . . . . . .

The bartender fills the mug and slides it down the bar. It hits the blonde woman's boobs and splashes all over them... The bartender goes over, retrieves the mug and licks the beer off her boobs.

Each time the blonde calls for another beer this happens. So after the third beer, a guy decides to help the bartender out. The next time the bartender hit her boobs, the man jumps up and starts to lick her breasts and she decks him!

He is lying on the floor moaning, 'Jeez lady... Why do you let the bartender do it?'
"Helloooo!", says the blonde, 'He has a licker license!'
I would think that someone clicking on a video showing footage of Maiden playing at Download would expect spoilers..
Why didn't you just eat?

I'm off to make pancakes. Sometimes I wonder if the world would end if the folks at home get no pancakes for breakfast on Sunday. <_<
A live stream would have been awesome! But I wouldn't have been able to view it today anyway as I was away at a family get together. I'm sure more video will pop up soon enough. :D

It would have wouldn't it?! I'm sure you're right though, maybe Download Festival will release some small snippets themselves and if not that then I'm sure there will be an abundance of craptastic vertical iPhone videos to watch on YouTube :D

On the other hand, this might mean Maiden themselves could do something DVD-ish with this performance!
The spitfire flyover was awesome, the only thing that could've made it more awesome is if they had suddenly gone into Aces High... but as we hadn't even had Doctor Doctor yet that was unlikely :p

UFO were awesome: Lights Out, Wonderland, Burn Your House Down, Love to Love, Rock Bottom, Doctor Doctor.

Maiden - good set, Bruce procclaimed there will be another UK gig added in august in London, and there was some shameless product placement of Trooper ale ;)

2 things about Dave Murray I shall place in spoilers!
About 30 seconds into first song National Acrobat and I turned to each other with a look of shock and said "DAVE'S CUT HIS HAIR!?"
When they were introducing the band the camera showed Adrian instead of Dave, clearly letting out a secret and Adrian actually plays all Dave's parts!
Other spoiler things:
I've never noticed before that the organ on the Phantom backdrop/single cover is also an Eddie.
Michael Kenny on stage during SSOASS.
Still no Hallowed, outrageous!
Setlist the same as everywhere else I believe.

Thanks to National Acrobat and Black Wizard for providing me with people to hang around with during the less exciting parts of the day :p
I love the Spitfire flyover but :

of course, it should have been before the first encore Aces High! Although at that time it would have been dark on the festival grounds so maybe not much point in that?
I love the Spitfire flyover but :

of course, it should have been before the first encore Aces High! Although at that time it would have been dark on the festival grounds so maybe not much point in that?

Bruce said "Welcome to 1988, of course there are several things we couldn't do back then that we can now, like setting things on fire and having a spitfire flyover" but I don't think it's actually to do with Maiden, he mentioned it being a Battle of Britain memorial flight by the RAF or something? Although that puts the date miles out.

I do think it would've been great to go into Aces High, but agree encore would've been too dark. They should've just flipped the opener :P But they hadn't done Doctor Doctor let alone the intro music.

Still, awesome sight and it got a lot of cheers.
Absolutely. Imagine if Maiden started all their festival shows with a Spitfire flyover and then going straight in Aces High. haha amazing :D
About 30 seconds into first song National Acrobat and I turned to each other with a look of shock and said "DAVE'S CUT HIS HAIR!?"
When they were introducing the band the camera showed Adrian instead of Dave, clearly letting out a secret and Adrian actually plays all Dave's parts!
