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If this owl had a name, it wouldn't be that. :p

As for piano, it does take time to learn it. As with any instrument. But I wouldn't say it's extremely difficult.
The piano has always seemed to me as a very difficult instrument to play. I have never played it, am I wrong?

It is a difficult instrument to master. However, it is not a difficult instrument to start learning. It does not take that much time to learn to play simple melodies. Compared to instruments like the violin, the trombone or the harmonica, I'd say it is easier. Playing simple chords with your left hand and melodies with the right, all in C major? Walk in the park. But then most music written for piano is too complex for that. You need to have speed, you must control how hard you strike the keys, you must use the pedals properly and you need to develop independency between your hands.

The basic point is - it is much easier to learn to play a given melody on the piano than e.g. on the violin.
They are showing a Judas Priest Epitaph tour concert in a cinema this Thursday. That is the only session that has been written out on the web page so far, do you think they show concerts and similar stuff just once or more? I have never run into such an occasion before.
Probably not but piano could be the most difficult to master.
I don't think there's such thing as most difficult to master.

Piano was maybe the easiest instrument for me to get started on. All the notes are easy to find and laid out very simply, with a little bit of music knowledge anyone can figure it out. You don't have to worry about tone, air control or anything like that of a wind instrument, and not much technique is needed at the start. That said, I couldn't play the thing as well as any of my other instruments to save my life. :D

Edit: It's also easier to find chords on the piano, since most of basic position chords on guitar are inversions.
I don't think there's such thing as most difficult to master.

Piano was maybe the easiest instrument for me to get started on. All the notes are easy to find and laid out very simply, with a little bit of music knowledge anyone can figure it out. You don't have to worry about tone, air control or anything like that of a wind instrument, and not much technique is needed at the start. That said, I couldn't play the thing as well as any of my other instruments to save my life. :D

Edit: It's also easier to find chords on the piano, since most of basic position chords on guitar are inversions.

Piano really is easy to start out. I also had no trouble getting simple stuff by ear, I remember playing Mozart's Turkish March's main melody (minus the much faster part of course) in my first ten minutes on a piano.

But getting better really seems tougher to me than most stuff. I've played guitar, bass, bağlama, kanun and a bit of violin thus far without having so much trouble. But piano/keyboards got really tough to get better at, I kinda got stuck in my first weeks on it. :D
I imagine that if I started playing piano at the same time as guitar or saxophone, I'd be much better at it now than I really am. I started learning piano around the time I started getting really serious with my main instruments, so I ended up taking 6 months of lessons, learning enough stuff to be able to play it efficiently and stopped right there. Like any instrument, it requires a lot of discipline and practice.

I personally have a lot of issues with coordination between right and left hands. Unsurprisingly, I stopped formally studying the instrument around the time I began looking music with a lot of stuff that required that technique.
Last night was agony. I had terrible stomachache, threw up a lot, and couldn't sleep except for few hours here and there. After taking 3-4 different pills, it finally stopped but I still feel like someone beat me up.