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Saw a small spider in the bathroom, turned my back and walked out fast, saw a large one exactly by the door of the bathroom. Damn it to hell, I hate this phobia. It's a very old house too - nearly 90 years (partly rebuilt and redecorated a thousand times). That means a lot of these guys are crawling around. This is what I hate about Summer the most.
Saw a small spider in the bathroom, turned my back and walked out fast, saw a large one exactly by the door of the bathroom. Damn it to hell, I hate this phobia. It's a very old house too - nearly 90 years (partly rebuilt and redecorated a thousand times). That means a lot of these guys are crawling around. This is what I hate about Summer the most.

Me and you both. I'm not nearly as terrified/disgusted of anything than I'm of insects and stuff.
I'm getting used to spiders, I usually catch them in a glass and put them outside. The one I have a genuine phobia about is bats. I can watch them outdoors, and not feel too bad about it. Then suffer very disturbing nightmares and anxiety attacks for several days afterwards.
Ah yes, there's nothing like going to a wedding that's outdoors and it's a rainy day but I'm not complaining because my husband and I's wedding was also outdoors and it was also rainy and the day was chillier for ours too.
Not a fan of spiders - small I can pickup np, medium I kill with tissue, big.. pint glass.

Snakes, no problem. Lizards, no problem. Bats.. seen em in the garden but never been close enough to really have to decide on like/dislike. Frogs, I like small but anything bigger than about 2" and I just think it's kinda ugly (theres an african bullfrog in pet shop thats like 6" across, ugly as hell). Scorpions (except tailless whip) I'm fine. Rats it's a size thing again.
Saturday!! Finally. My yard is a foot tall. My house is a wreck. My son just got back for summer vacation from college.

And I don't care about anything, cus I have hot coffee and I'm going to relax!
Haven't had a weekend at home in six and was so looking forward to soaking up the recent great weather on the back deck today and doing nothing.
Then my dad tells me there will be a sod laying at my grandmother's house — not something I can in good conscience bail on.
And it looks like rain.
I know what you mean! It seems like every time I think I'm going to spend a relaxing day, something happens...

My day is like this: drink coffee, mow for 2.5 hours, clean dishes, do laundry, run 5-8K, rebuild resume, clean house, mop floor, drink beer. Kinda in that order.