Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Mind you, I couldn't place a lot of American states. I know the ones down the coasts, but then I'm lost :p

Well, they aren't independent countries. The Americans should be happy with us Europeans being able to place the US, Canada and Mexico correctly :p In all modesty, I think I could place around 45 out of 50 states correctly. I have been able to do all fifty, but not now.
Here's what too much beer makes me wonder. How does a five-string bass differ from a four-string bass and doesn't the fifth string interfere with chords and shit?

I think I can place about 30 of the states.
In fact, I don't think I can place all British counties....

A five-string bass probably offers a greater range of notes, and maybe gives more scope for different tuning.
Exactly! Doesn't that mean that its fret board is very different? Do you have to learn to play it all over again?
Er...I don't know! :oops:

The fretboard would be wider, but playing with different tunings is just something guitarists tend to learn anyway. Always looking for better, easier and quicker ways of doing it!

I never had the patience to learn to play an instrument. I tried guitar, piano and drums but I gave up very quickly. Not my thing, obviously.
30 days hath September,
April, June and November.
All the rest have 31.
Except February alone,
That has 28 days clear
But 29 in a leap year.

That one rolls off the tongue ;)

Edit: and my spelling has gone to pot
30 days hath September,
April, June and November.
All the rest have 31.
Except February alone,
That has 28 days clear
But 29 in a leap year.

That one rolls off the tongue ;)

Edit: and my spelling has gone to pot

That's exactly the song I was referring to.
Drinking ones are always a bad idea, especially after a few drinks.
Beer and wine goes just fine. Whiskey and wine goes just fine. Lighter fluid and wine goes just fine :p
There's one thing I've learnt in my long and eventful drinking career: never mix different types of alcohol. It's the worst thing you can do.