Hum, it really surprises me considering how much I had to drink But we did start off the evening by eating a really large meal before heading off to town, could have something to do with it!
I was at a birthday party first so lots of food and drinks there, but then I was at a home party for a few hours (lots of beer and booze) before heading to town. Oh well...Some days you can stomach it I guess
Well, we're a small group of friends and band members that meet up every now and then and get wasted. One of our friends moved away like 1 month ago and today he visited his home town so naturally we had to get wasted... Going out ie to the bars and stuff was pretty boring though, as it usually is....Did play some pool though which was kinda fun
Oh I see, Well I don't keep any booze at home either. How often do you go out?
Heh...well...hardly at all. My friends and I get together every great once in a while because of busy lives and the husband and I don't go out to any bars together. If we drink, we do it at home. He's not a very going out type of guy. Like bar wise so when I do go out, it's with my friends.
What about concerts and stuff? There is no local concerts and stuff you go to ? Usually whenever I go out it is usually because we end up somewhere with live music.
We have local bands and such all the time but none that we're interested in or the husband. We go out and do stuff but when it comes to stuff like that, he's just not interested unfortuantely.
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