Moon Child
Ancient Mariner
Yeah, we have some pretty confusing terms here. 

Americans call shops "stores" and shopping centres "malls" (Let's go to the mall, today!) but I have no idea what their equivalent of shopping is!![]()
If that means a class where you learn how to make things, generally out of wood, then the translation is correct. "Shop teacher" is another common form, especially if you do more than make things from wood. Basically any sort of manual labour class where you create things or fix things you can call "shop".
Americans call shops "stores" and shopping centres "malls" (Let's go to the mall, today!) but I have no idea what their equivalent of shopping is!![]()
During the year ended 31 March 2012, Iron Maiden Holdings Limited made sales of £6,665 to A Smith Holdings Limited.
That is all I have to say.![]()
What's interesting is that I stopped watching HIMYM, not so much because I didn't like it (which isn't true because I don't find it bad) but because I discovered something much more to my liking: Seinfeld. Something about that show is purely my cup of tea.
My recent discovery was Scrubs, a completed and rather old (2001) show like yours. Its brand of comedy is far closer to mine and I really love it. Five seasons down since mid-March.
Quite soon the Fridge Corporation will donate a beer to the EW Stomach Fund. I'm sure there exists a currency where that beer would be worth 6,66.
However, if I were to say to an American "I am going to the shops", he/she wouldn't have a clue what I'm talking about!![]()
Two donations made and consumed here. Another one scheduled in about ten minutes.
Ah, but Tesco serves horsemeat. Costco meat is really, really good.