Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Get your ass to the Best Album Ever Survivor. All Maiden albums have joined the group. We're at the last 28!

In the last 28 albums we're having:

10 Maiden albums:
8 Maiden w/Bruce albums (all 1980s + BNW, AMOLAD & TFF)
1 Maiden w/Di'Anno album (Killers)
1 Maiden w/Blaze album (The X-Factor)

18 non-Maiden albums, represented by 10 different acts.
Band with 6 albums:
Painkiller — Judas Priest
Sad Wings of Destiny — Judas Priest
Screaming for Vengeance — Judas Priest
Sin After Sin — Judas Priest
British Steel — Judas Priest
Defenders of the Faith — Judas Priest

Bands with 2 albums:
Chemical Wedding — Bruce Dickinson
Accident of Birth — Bruce Dickinson
Paranoid — Black Sabbath
Heaven and Hell — Black Sabbath
Moving Pictures — Rush
Permanent Waves - Rush

Bands with 1 album
Last in Line — Dio
A Night At the Opera — Queen
Operation Mindcrime — Queensryche
Rising — Rainbow
Ride the Lightning — Metallica
Appetite For Destruction — Guns and Roses

I... I don't know what to feel...

Seems like you have Eddie cleaning your teeth in a rather brutal way. But if you are a stonehead I guess it is the only way.
Guess who now owns a copy of "Live After Death".

Wanted to tell this weeks ago but forgot: one day at school I saw my woodshop (translator gave me this word, not sure if it's correct) teacher had a Maiden album on his desk. I told him it was epic and he said the CD player of his car got broken.
Damn, six pages since I was last on this thread.
Life's been busy lately and I'm going away again this weekend.

woodshop (translator gave me this word, not sure if it's correct)

If that means a class where you learn how to make things, generally out of wood, then the translation is correct. "Shop teacher" is another common form, especially if you do more than make things from wood. Basically any sort of manual labour class where you create things or fix things you can call "shop".