Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I do. I almost always crack it at least a little. I prefer it to be quite cold in my room when I sleep, I find I get a much better sleep.

I prefer to have the window open for some time before I go to bed and close it just before. That way it's a bit colder when I go to sleep, and nice and warm when I get up in the morning.
I'm about to drive 2 1/2 hours (one way) to stand in 30 degree (F) weather while it snows to watch my son run a 3,000 M run. Then give him a sweaty hug before he jumps on the bus, drive 2 1/2 hours back to meet with friends. Game on!
Good morning! Not a very nice looking Saturday outside but since I'll probably be doing some cleaning, what it's like outside doesn't really matter.
In other news, Sebastian Bach released his new live dvd/cd package. Three 10 songs shows. Pretty cool. Two are on Spotify.
And in other music news, My Chemical Romance apparently broke up. Can't say that affects me too much. Never liked them but I won't be one to "celebrate" and mock their fans either.
My sister-in-law just posted that on Facebook. I wasn't a fan of them either. I really only ever liked one song of theirs and that was it.