Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I am finally completely fed up with my uni, on my fiancees account. I'm pretty happy with how things have been running for me. It has however, been a perpetual disaster for her. I'm currently writing a literal portrait (it's not really a debate article. Written emotive, from my perspective) about the incompetence, bureaucracy and overall lack of quality regarding her uni program, and specifically, the dreadful administration. Hope to get it published. Things cannot continue this way, I am sure she's not alone in this situation.

Edit: I refrain though, from ridiculing the irony that the headmaster is also the chairman of the expert committee of quality evaluation of University level education.:D
They should give you value for money if nothing else. I've heard of (although not seen evidence of) people suing because they don't get the marks they want).

Perun - Are you trying to say dragons don't exist.....?
Just saw on my NYTimes Google App that there was a significant earthquake in Southern California. I am currently in Southern California. I didn't feel a thing.
Just saw on my NYTimes Google App that there was a significant earthquake in Southern California. I am currently in Southern California. I didn't feel a thing.

I had a funny thought about your post.. I won't enter in many details, but it was a real story (so he says) involving a massive earthquake and a then teenager friend of mine :D