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Snow and slippery roads in the north of Netherlands. Nothing of that where I live. I keep on being amazed by the differences in weather our small country has.
But I love winter, and here we only got few days of snow. First time it stayed on the streets for about a week, and afterwards whenever it fell, it melted the next day. Fucking global warming.
We don't often get proper snowfall, just a few months of coldish damp weather, alternating between fog, high winds, and still, clear, colder days. Snow almost always turns to horrible slush and ice straight away, which stays for a couple of weeks
Meh. Doing okay, not playing too seriously. Trying to get my AMX 13 75 and my Patton.

Not touched it in about 6months meself, what're the brit/chinese like? Last I remember they introduced the tier 10 TD/Arty and french running rampant (probably cos their vehicles were created about a decade or two after the rest ;p)
....We're suppose to have to a sunny and warmish type of day. :D Sorry guys for all your cold weather. Though, I'm sure our warm weather won't last too too long.
Our snow is melting... We had a ton of it, but yesterday it got up into the low 40's (F) and started raining. When we were coming home last night it was so foggy out, it was hard to see anything! It's raining again today, making the last of the snow go away...

Great night last night, I'm exhausted today.
Earwax sucks. I haven't really noticed it (as you gradually get used to it), but my right ear has skewed hi frequency response - Unless I cover my nostrils and blow hard (the ear canal opens up and the response improves), but can't walk around doing that every time I want to hear high frequency information... So I softened the wax earlier today with the appropriate pharmaceutical liquid, and then blew water into the ear.

... With massive nausea as a result. Thanks.