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Oh well if it happened after hours I don't see the big deal. Then you were just you and they were just them :p (did that even make sense?)

Sense?? Tons of it :D
Now I'm maybe a different person, maybe, but yes I look back and I don't regret. I regret for other stuff though, but things made spontaneously with my heart & good feeling, no.
Those wonderful moments you get ready for going out and find that you should do you laundry again.

Can't beat bachelor life.
Speaking of which, I have to find a way to manage my laundry, it's extremely expensive in the hotel and my pocket money is lump sum.
Yeap. But the money is given to me directly all 3 weeks in advance plus some pocket money, not bad but lump sum=if I spend less I can keep the rest if I spend more from my pocket.

Well, I believe that if I spend reasonably more I'll get reimbursed, but I prefer to give them receipts of great food & wine than stupid socks, shirts & underwear.
Anyone need these? I have some spare.

Always a good idea to change air guitar strings on a regular basis. You don't want your air G-string snapping just as you're leaping over the sofa and sliding on your knees into the hallway at the finale of Hallowed Be Thy Name
Very embarrassing. Almost as bad as the time when I incidentally flung one of my air drum air sticks and it hit my sister.
Yes, it did. My mum put away all my air drum sticks for a long time and I couldn't afford to buy new ones. <_<