Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Of the old pets, 3rd was a Shrimp (bout one inch long), 4th was a Crayfish (started at an inch, died at about 5inches.. when one of the fish ate it).

Shrimp was pretty smart, I used to feed the fish when I got home from work, one week I was off work and noticed that still at that same time each evening it would come to the front of the tank and sit in wait for the food. The Crayfish used to move rocks/gravel/sand around the tank to build a cave. Would barricade itself in to shed it's shell, until about the 4th time it did it when it was quite a bit bigger and apparently didn't bother to hide... the Oscar I had at the time ripped it in half >.>
Fish do have a habit of eating their companions. I'd like a friend for my goldfish, but I wouldn't dare get a smaller fish
My friend has a breeding facility full of these fellas

They are said to be very easy to "maintain" and his constant praising even got me into thinking of getting one some time.
Whoa.... we have become a cat thread...

So, to my wise (and wise ass) friends, a question. When one is past their 20's and has a female friend, what should be the correct designation? Boyfriend/girlfriend seems fairly adolescent, is there a better term?
My aunt is 46 and has lived with this guy for the past eight or nine years. When she introduces him to someone, she says "This is my partner."