Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

..no doubt but it was discussed from others a few times. That's how I know it. And I'm only a couple of months here. So here I see how often you actually care to check other people's posts :innocent:

This was a fascinating read. Puts all our needs and wants into perspective.
@Sixes, Mckindog and others: You should see this film:

Dersu Uzala (1975)

based on the 1923 memoir Dersu Uzala by Russian explorer Vladimir Arsenyev, about his exploration of the Sikhote-Alin region of the Russian Far East over the course of multiple expeditions in the early 20th century.
The film is almost entirely shot outdoors in the Russian Far East wilderness. The film explores the theme of a native of the forests who is fully integrated into his environment, leading a style of life that will inevitably be destroyed by the advance of civilization. It is also about the growth of respect and deep friendship between two men of profoundly different backgrounds, and about the difficulty of coping with the loss of strength and ability that comes with old age.

Check out this scene in which the two main characters encounter a terrible storm. Luckily Dersu, an excellent survivor of the wilderness, senses it's coming and he knows what to do:
Sounds like this to me. :p

Some days, I wish I was Medusa.
I tried, but after four hours of twisting and turning in bed, I gave up. I know how this goes: Tomorrow I'll be sleeping till 2 pm again.
That may not be bad if it suits you fine.
I know people who work at night and feel perfectly okay with it.