Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

The magic is inside you, so you see it around ;)
How's that Turkey's not a Muslim country?? Even Kurds are Muslims..

Turkey is a Muslim dominated country not a Muslim country. The country has no religion, it's a laicité.

I'm having a great day, now that's rare. Not because of christmas, of course. :D
Hmmm I don't agree.
History is a major factor and so France is a Christian country, Thailand a Buddhist and Turkey a Muslim country and I don't see anything wrong with that..

And one more thing: Erdogan :p :D

I'm having a great day, now that's rare. Not because of christmas, of course. :D

Are you sure?? :p :p
Hmmm I don't agree.
History is a major factor and so France is a Christian country, Thailand a Buddhist and Turkey a Muslim country and I don't see anything wrong with that..

And one more thing: Erdogan :p :D

Well I don't know how foreigners call the situation but we, who defend laicité of the country, prefer not to call the country Muslim. We prefer to call it Muslim dominated.

Don't even mention his name by the way, he tries all he can do crush laicité and switch it with a teological regime anyways. Democracy is just a term written only on the paper already.

Actually, the reason why we care so much about terms "Muslim country" and "Muslim dominated country" is people like him.
Overall I consider him a great leader, probably the biggest living leader on Earth. What was Turkey 15 years back and what is now?? Somehow, in the terms of political games, I even like his turn to religion, as at least he established Turkey as a major player among Muslim countries (or Muslim dominated countries if you like)

I haven't found yet a single Turk to agree with my opinions, so I guess his electoral basin consists of less educated people, while the educated Turkish hate him, mainly because traditionally they are more oriented to Kemal's views.

What is interesting to think about though, is what Kemal would do should he was belonging to this very era. I strongly believe he would have done the same thing: A turn to religion and to the 'east'. Same with Erdogan; we would probably have embraced laicité should he lived 100 years back ;)
I'm not even going to argue deeply with a man who thinks Erdoğan is a great leader. Have done it so much. Just some basic points, Turkey improved because modern world improved. (mind you, this modernization was put up by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, whom Erdoğan despises at all costs) It was impossible not to improve a bit. We could've improved a lot more to become a real strong country instead of being a puppet of the United States. Turkey is not a strong country on its own, it seems to be strong because of the power of its masters.

You really should live in Turkey to find out about him. I don't know what you think of him, but he's a greedy, unprogressive bigot with a big lack of general knowledge and no respect to life standards of a normal member of society whatsoever. Same goes for his party and almost every member of it.

I could come up with horrible stuff they've put up (including giving rights to rapists, banning abortion, giving majority of the government's budget to religious efforts and the minority of it to researches and education, banning the celebrations of the Republic Day, making the police club those whom try to celebrate it anyway, exluding pieces that talk about sexuality in any regard, banning pornography and trying to ban words like "girl" on the internet - yes, thats true-, trying to ban a fucking TV show that themes the Suleiman I period, crushing the seperation of powers etc.), but no need, what I've written is enough. I've recently found a piece of research about reading (books, papers, researches etc.) ratios in Turkey. The places where his party won were incredibly low in percentage while the place where main opposition party, CHP (which is a party founded by Atatürk himself, a social democrat and Kemalist centre left party) won were the highest. The results of elections were almost identical to reading ratios.

Excuse me but I'm afraid you're very much lacking in terms of knowledge of Mustafa Kemal, Erdoğan and Republic of Turkey's policies as a whole from its foundation and beyond. I can tell by just reading your comments about "what would Atatürk do had he lived now". Turn to religion ? No way.
You're probably right and I would probably hated him should I was Turkish living in Turkey, but being an external observer, I see a great player..

You really should live in Turkey to find out about him.

Actually it's very possible to move to Istanbul in the next 5 years and I am very excited about that :)
I'm just waiting for the proper proposal (=expatriate contract, or I would be already there anytime with a local one).
Let's wait and see, what is sure is that the road to Istanbul passes from Cairo, Egypt. There I can grand myself a good contract, stay a couple of years and head myself there.
Long time, no see. How has your holiday been?

EDIT: I really should not post these things when someone is here and gone. ::) Does not work well with conversation.
Long time, no see. How has your holiday been?

Very relaxed, so far. Spending a lot of time with the family, reading a lot (I got a cool book on Greek mythology) and also sleeping a lot. There will be a big family dinner tomorrow, and I'm going to take the day after tomorrow off too, and then back into action. How's yours?
Glad to hear it! :) Mines been good and relaxed, as well. Went to my moms place Sunday night, last night I was with my in-laws and grandparents to dinner and a candlelight service, today I'm just taking it easy since I don't have places to go and tomorrow going to the in-laws for a big dinner.