Earlier today in the chatroom, Shadow and I were discussing the old days on this forum, and remembering once-active members who you newer folk have never heard of. For example, Poochburner. (Or was it Puppycombustor? Caninetorcher? Houndflamer?)
Anyway, we started looking through some old posts to find certain classics that we recalled. And in the course of reviewing my old posts, I found this nugget, originally posted on April 27 2005:
The life cycle of a Maidenfans thread:
1. Somebody tries to start a serious discussion.
2. Five people make wiseass answers.
3. Maverick tells some prat to shut their hole.
3 1/2. The 7th Son stands up for the person Maverick is abusing.
4. SMX says something ridiculous about Adrian Smith.
5. Onhell says something nasty about the Church of H.
6. LC moves the thread to the madness forum.
7. Holy war ensues for no good reason.
8. Suddenly the discussion turns serious again, but on a completely different topic.
9. Repeat steps 2 through 8.
Now if we can just get LC and The 7th Son to return to the forum, we can restore the full-scale madness.