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I have to confess I had the same interpretation as Perun. Guess that speaks volumes about how I spent MY teenage years.

It's always the same, judging by one's standards, eh? ;)

Perun did not say how he interpreted it. No one did, apart from Flash himself.

YeahI thought that I wouldn't have to go out and say "hyuck, hyuck, he's wanking, hyuck hyuck", but I was obviously too subtle.
An exaggerated, prudish interpretation and reaction, if I may say so. :)
Especially in the light of Flash's bleak utterings, constantly talking about aches and stuff.
We were talking about that post in the chatroom when it was made, and we all immediately came up with the same interpretation. You know, with Flash being a teen and all of us having been teens and so on... but it's good to know there are mature members here who would never think of such a thing.
Haha, me mature? Never thinking about that? Well, yesterday $%^&%&^ (censored):D

I agree with the rest of your attempt to kick his butt !
Yeah, though I ought to take my own advice, too. I have a presentation coming up on Friday and wanted to finish two papers by the end of the year, but I can't get started. Always looking for excuses like, "the book I have to read is so horrible" or, "the weather really isn't motivating me". But if I'm good, I'll do my groceries now and get work on that stupid presentation started when I return. No internet till I'm done.
I think Perun's advice might be useful to any of us, but purely theoretically speaking. We all know the right things to do but I don't believe there's a single person here who does everything right in the second it needs to be done, never wastes time and it always focused on their tasks. But even if there is such a person, I don't want to know them! :D
I don't think there are very many people like that. I'm always shocked when my friends from the university keep characterising me like that. I'm the laziest person I can think of... but apparently, there are lazier ones.
Always doing the right thing is just not human. And it's boring.
But being lazy and somehow managing to convince people otherwise is a real talent. Well done!
I mean it. I always try to convince people I'm not lazy but for some reason they always burst out laughing.
Yeah, I've had people tell me things like, "This term, I'm really going to come to the university every day and visit all the courses." Sure. ;)
I have to watch a movie for my presentation now, and I really don't feel like it. It's probably the most depressing piece of cinematography I've ever seen (watched it a year and a half ago already), and I'm not going to enjoy it.
"This term, I'm really going to come to the university every day and visit all the courses".

That's exactly what I would say at the start of each semester. It never happened, of course, but that wasn't because of laziness. I just had more interesting things to do.