Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Exactly. I have always been an advocate of the installation of a bar in the library I'm currently sitting in. ;)
To a chemical engineer, that's well known humour, because it plays on the definition of "solution". It would actually make equally much sense in Norwegian.
What I Learned Today : Talking is always, always, ALWAYS effective.
Except if what one says is stupid or offensive. What's the old adage, "better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you're a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"? Something like that. Who said that? (Not a trivia test, I'm actually curious.)

EDIT: Looked it up. Some say Lincoln, others say Twain, others say the Book of Proverbs.

Thinking about it some more, I think the lesson Flash believes he learned is simply wrong. Completely and utterly wrong. That poor kid needs some guidance.
... and these Visions Of Johanna, they make it all seem so cool ...
Wow, so many things...

Per, sorry for all of that, I hope things look up soon!

Loosey... dude, so sorry... there really aren't words, but you know that all your friends here are thinking of you. And it's really nice to see you back here. I'm missing the hell out of seeing SMX and when you're gone too, it's like some of the foundation of this forum is missing.

Flash... I give a nod towards Cornfed's beating of the head on the floor. There is only one thing that I have ever learned that seems to be fairly universal in a relationship: if you are playing games for attention, you aren't going to ever be happy. Period. And the week of 'cold' and not talking... yeah, games. It doesn't work at 16 or 36 or 66. If you are into a guy/gal and she/he is into you, there are no need for games. If you hafta play them... yeah, might as well fire up sims and get worked up over a chick there.
Loosey... dude, so sorry... there really aren't words, but you know that all your friends here are thinking of you. And it's really nice to see you back here. I'm missing the hell out of seeing SMX and when you're gone too, it's like some of the foundation of this forum is missing.

I obviously missed LC's earlier post. Sorry to hear that. Too much of that lately. Bad year.
if you are playing games for attention, you aren't going to ever be happy. Period. And the week of 'cold' and not talking... yeah, games. It doesn't work at 16 or 36 or 66. If you are into a guy/gal and she/he is into you, there are no need for games.

Truer words have never been spoken.