Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Mckindog, you wondered about where in Canada the British Lion video was shot, right? Steve says it's a place, called Banff, "which is about two hours north of Calgary".
So... I am amazed at how often IT work is just using google.

*phone rings*
Me: Hello, awesome IT depts r us
User: How do I do <something> in Word
Me: *typing into google 'how to do <something> in word' and finding it in the second link*... you click this.
User: Wow, thanks, I could never figure that stuff out! you IT guys know everything!
Me: *paying silent homage to the google gods*
Time for this classic:

Mckindog, you wondered about where in Canada the British Lion video was shot, right? Steve says it's a place, called Banff, "which is about two hours north of Calgary".
Yes, exactly where I thought it was. If you are ever on this side of the Atlantic, well worth a visit.
Never heard of.
edit: ah wait: Marianentrog, Марианска падина, Marianengraben

and a Canadian band mckindog has probably been to. ;)
I heard that a lot of men want to sink into her trench, but only very few have done so yet.
And lived to tell the tale?

I'm devastated. Just found out I start work on a new project next week, which means the volume of my work will nearly double. :eek:
I'm plodding away on my Friday, brownie in one hand, coffee in the other, typing with the third and fourth, listening to Triumph sing Spellbound live on iTunes, hoping that I don't have to run a system restore on a user's computer... that I've reformatted at least twice in the last year from downloading stupid stuff.

Oh, and I'm smiling, cause I can.
This is Marianas Trench:

Fortunately, I did not go to the concert.
Unfortunately, I spent two hours round trip with a carload of teenage girls as they got themselves pumped up for the show.
Now listening to Brighter Than A Thousand Suns in a desperate attempt to purge.
Earlier today I was high as a carrot and realised that Judgement of Heaven has astonishing lyrics. And riffs too of course.