Cornfed Hick
Ancient Mariner
Wait, what? What EXACTLY do you mean by "tell her what I feel"? This needs to be handled right. I'm serious as a heart attack here. You absolutely cannot go up to her and freak her out by pouring your heart out to her. You have to play it cool and just ask her out. Or, if you've known each other too well for such an approach to be anything but awkward, you can be a bit self-deprecating and casual say, "look, I know this may seem like it's coming out of the blue [or whatever Turkish idiom fits the situation], but I've actually been into you for a while and would love to take you out to ___." Projecting confidence is the most important thing at the outset. I cannot emphasize this strongly enough. Confidence can work miracles. Later, if and when the first date or two go well, you can confide in her how long you had been pining for her and agonizing over asking her out -- at that point it will be endearing. But, under no circumstances should you get into that right out of the gate.Thanks guys, I appreciate your help. I've come to the conclusion of a long thinking period and decided to go ahead and tell her what I feel. Again, thanks.
I do agree strongly with the advice of the others that you should absolutely ask her out, and soon. I had a similar situation with a girl when I was in high school. I was crazy about her and we hung out a lot, but she always had some boyfriend or another. Then I later found out she had a huge crush on me too and was just waiting for me to ask. You can guess how that felt. Were it not for the fact that I was in a good relationship myself when I found out, I might have been borderline suicidal. So, definitely ask. (Maybe that's why she's cooled to you lately, she thought you'd pounce after she broke up with the other guy, but you haven't done so yet.)
Take it from your elders, you'll only regret it if you don't ask, you'll never regret it if you do, especially if you handle it the way I advise. You do need, however, to be prepared for the "I only think of you as a friend" response, which is indeed a bit of a gut-punch. But, the thing is, if she does happen to reject you, there is a good chance that you'll soon realize she's not the ideal object of your affections that you now think she is. Sounds like you've resolved to ask her out, which is good, but again, how you handle it is critical.