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Caught Y&T in Seattle last night. Small crowd, dingy club, but the band were total pros.
Payed for 2 1/2 kickass hours, interacted with the audience, played songs off the cuff - great night.
Way too much beer(even if it was American beer).
Thank you!

I'm in, 85th out of 170 people (100 are accepted):applause::nana::okok::clap::edmetal::shred::rocker:

Well done!

I highly recommend everyone see the Maiden England tour.

I will, when it comes to Scandinavia. Indoor concert during the winter or outdoor in the summer, I'll take it. I have had a look at the spoilers in the tour thread, and I'm really excited about some of the songs they have chosen for this tour!
*Confesses in shame*
I couldn't resist either. Saw the setlist. But Maiden helped themselves: they've put their whole setlist on their website, right after the first gig! Hadn't expected that they'd do that.
I'm so jealous of the gang in Boston!! I can't even make it to the Chicago gig next week :( I really wanna see that... damn, that's two tours in a row I've missed!