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Yes sir, very good sir!

"Eat English Muff" "The United Kingdom promotes shit for your company"

The boy is coming home! We are waiting on his pain killers, then driving home.

Glad to hear that. I guess he's going to need those painkillers for the next few days. An advice from me: Do not watch comedy movies with him until the stitches have been removed. This comes from one who watched Dumb and Dumber with ten stitches in the hip and another eight in the upper lip. Curse and damn my room-mate.
....what did you do to get stitches in the hip AND lip. They rhyme but they're not close to each other physiologically...
When I was 10, I had a piece of bone grafted from my hip and inserted in the upper jaw. I was born with a cleft lip and jaw, so I've had my share of surgery. One of the more useful tasks of plastic surgeons.