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Mosh, when do we get to hear The Plan's new album? I'm intrigued and surprised that you guys all from different corners of the world were able to put together a band and make an album.
I don't know. It's all written save for a few songs, but not much is recorded. I predict early 2012, but we should have a single out in December.
Black Wizard said:
They should get nominated for an Oscar for the 'Spirit Carries On' documentary. :bigsmile:

I was just about to say how retarded that is, but then I realized it's in the Madness Forum... so sure, why the hell not. We could add a German Silver Bear nomination as well.
And the madness continues!
Travis The Dragon said:
Dream Theater have been nominated for a Grammy. That's pretty cool I guess.
It's really cool. To think that an organization as mainstream as the Grammy's acknowledges a band like Dream Theater, is very cool.
It's number 1 because it is the default browser. Most casual internet users are going to use that with no problem.
After IE they're all passable though. Just depends on preference at that point.
I'm not a huge MS fan, but Win7 is pretty ok. And IE8 isn't horrible. I still use FF over it, but its functional.

The world runs on MS...
I like Win7. IE8 was a big improvement, but I still prefer Chrome.