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Check out this heat index!!!

I've never seen a temp that low with a heat index that high!
Now now. The Americans thought about switching to Celcius, but decided it wasn't good enough for them. That's why they are so technologically advanced, they kept the Imperial measurements, just like the other hyper-advanced nations of Bangladesh and Liberia.
There is a centipede on the wall behind me... eek! I hate bugs!  :ahhh:
Travis The Dragon said:
It's almost 1AM and look at that heat index!

Yesterday, 4.30 AM, station that's on one of highest points in the city (most winds), reads 30.3(c).
If you hate bugs or those pesky mosquitoes, get one of these;


Mediterranean house Gecko, natively called tarantela here, one of the most valued urban pets. It completely invisible, it lives behind your closet, doesn't make a sound, runs away from light, and eats bugs and mosquitoes and other shitty zum-zooms that make those high-pitch propeller noises while you're trying to sleep. Also, highly protected by law. They're an important part of our society  :D