Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I wonder about you at times, Yax. Exactly what goes through your mind is, well, mind-boggling. ;)
Albie said:
I wonder about you at times, Yax. Exactly what goes through your mind is, well, mind-boggling. ;)

Well, one shouldn't underestimate the philosophical meanings of the powerful word pie. It holds the key to the mysteries of the universe. I mean, who hasn't wondered about why pie is named pie? Why apple pie is named apple pie and not pie-with-apple? It should be common knowledge. Lessons should be held at Harvard regarding pies. Piebaking should be part of the Olympic Games! And, you ought to know that the reason Einstein came to formulate the Theory of Relativity is becasue he saw the LigHt while eating a pie! You should also know that the radiation the sun releases, is not energy, but crumbles of pie! 


Did I not say the pie holds the key to the mysteries of the universe?  ;)  :nuts:
SneakySneaky said:
How do the machines know what chicken tastes like?


Because they're machines.  Anyway, if Mouse had spent more time on weapons training and less thinking about roast chicken and voluptuous blondes, he wouldn't have ended up the first man down... :innocent:

Black forest gateaux ist krieg >:[
Raven said:
Too dry for my tastes.  Done with a proper sauce, however...(specifically, sweet chilli) :D

Oh, certainly with a proper sauce, my favorite includes just a touch of red wine...
Re: The Last Word

Raven said:
Do dark horses dream of nightmares?  An interesting thought, which gives me the last word!
You'd best ask Andy Sneap or Martin Walkyier ;)

And it seems I have the last word.
Re: The Last Word

Hunlord said:
You'd best ask Andy Sneap or Martin Walkyier ;)

And it seems I have the last word.

You know, things are not always what they seem.
This is a great example!
Re: The Last Word

*shakes head in a show of massive disappointment*

'tis mine - sorry.