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@ Loosey, I'm having some pizza hot pockets for lunch!

I had a mexican one with doritos and Corona the other night.

I wiish I was up in NS, cause we could sit around, drink, eat pizza and laugh!
Who is this 'God' person, anyway?  ;)

But, yeah, I hear you...Well, maybe NA is in for a real Maiden treat in 2012!!
It's true. I'll roll a wizard.

OK, what Super Nintendo RPG should I play through on this vacation?
Link to the Past
Secret of the Mana
And how about the Mario RPG?

Those are good ones.
It's less of a rpg than the others, though. I'm not the biggest fan of the format. Yet, it is still unbeaten, and remains one of the few on my list that has yet to be surmounted.