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Albie said:
Sounds like fun - but do you not have a Degausser? We use one, though it's not practical to use if one is fitted with a pacemaker. :D

No. We're a pretty small outfit - only around 200 computers and 150 employees currently (not counting the 200 Mac Minis I have on the back shelf), and we don't usually need to destroy harddrives. This one was an exception as it stopped working.

Plus, it's more fun to smash it with a hammer.
One may also do like Ashley Cole did to this internship student at Chelsea's training ground, and shoot it with a powerful air rifle.

Or, if available, with a machine gun.
It's always good to destroy things.  I wanna break stuff.

It's just one of those days, when you don't wanna wake up.  Everything is fucked, everything sucks.  You don't know why, but you want to justify RIPPING SOMEONE'S HEAD OFF!!!
Give me something to break!!!

LC, please don't ban me!!  ;)
Wasted The Great said:
It's always good to destroy things.  I wanna break stuff.

... you don't know what it's like, you don't have a clue
- if you did you'd find yourself doing the same thing to!

Breaking the law, breaking the law ...
Yeah. Isn't it wonderful to know such delicious prejudice is alive today?

For reference, that was the plurality of the Republican voters in Mississippi. 40% thought interracial marriage should be legal, while 14% have no opinion.

There are many people who are conservatives who I don't mind, but Jesus H. Christ.
Yeah, there are definitely people living 60+ years back in their thinking, still.  Its unfortunate but true.  I love freedom of speech, but damn.
I'll tell you what gets me fuckin' riled up.

An American trying to tell me I don't have freedom of speech because my freedom of speech laws are different than the ones in the USA.
Redownloaded a bunch of music....again. I forgot Rush. I think that sound I heard was my citizenship being revoked.
Hey, can anybody tell me how many new songs are being played on the tour? I don't want to know the titles, just the number. Send it to me as a PM if you want.