Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

The bank I banked with in my home town gives free checking, or $5 gets you free checks and .03% intrest. I switched to the bank I work for and they are free, WITH 3% intrest!!
Eddies Wingman said:
... und die Welt zählt laut bis zehn!

Eins! Hier kommt die Sonne!

Phew. Playing Trivial Pursuit with two drunk people is a real struggle when you're sober. I had three beers myself in the process, but that was in a time frame of what, three or four hours... in the end, it was a real test for my patience.
Zwei, hier kommt die Sonne!

Actually, it does. After yet another shower of snow. Winter is stubborn this year.
Perun said:
Phew. Playing Trivial Pursuit with two drunk people is a real struggle when you're sober. I had three beers myself in the process, but that was in a time frame of what, three or four hours... in the end, it was a real test for my patience.
I've been in that situation too - both as the sober one and as one of the influenced ones  :D
I can't believe I'm saying it, but I'm listening to a couple of System of a down songs, and they aren't bad at all. Maybe I was quick to judge.
System Of A Down is a really unique band. They have a great singer and a lot of Avant-Garde stuff, which is a genre I like.
Their stuff is hit and miss with me, mostly miss.

Fuck, so apparently, my SLI config never properly worked before. It is now. Oh man.
Looks like I'm really starting to come into my own as a tour guide. I couldn't ask for a better job at the moment.
LooseCannon said:
Their stuff is hit and miss with me, mostly miss.

Fuck, so apparently, my SLI config never properly worked before. It is now. Oh man.

Is it pretty damn awesome now? 

@Per, feels good, doesn't it?  When you really have your groove thing goin on?

Question:  has anyone tried FireFox 4 yet?
Wasted The Great said:
@Per, feels good, doesn't it?  When you really have your groove thing goin on?

Yeah. It's really fun, and it feels so rewarding because I can actually use the knowledge I have accumulated over the past four years. This won't go on forever, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts.
That's great, building up a resume of knowledge and contacts.  It will serve you well.

That was the hardest thing for me, leaving the motorcycle industry-- starting over, trying to fill a new knowledge and contact base.  Phew, its difficult to be the n00b, instead of the old timer.

Playing with FF4, I kinda like it!  'Cleaner' than 3.6 was.
Wasted The Great said:
Question:  has anyone tried FireFox 4 yet?
Ubuntu is still on 3.6.16 - but I have 4.0 on my WinXP box. The tabs are now on the top of the toolbar. That's going to take some time to get used to.
Wasted The Great said:
That was the hardest thing for me, leaving the motorcycle industry-- starting over, trying to fill a new knowledge and contact base.  Phew, its difficult to be the n00b, instead of the old timer.

Tell me about it... on the other hand, if things go well, it can really be worth it.
Yeah, the tabs are at the very top, there is less 'junk' around.  

Albie, do you have any problems with playing videos in 'full screen' mode?  every time I try to go to full screen, the audio continues and the video just freezes.

Perun said:
Tell me about it... on the other hand, if things go well, it can really be worth it.

OH, for sure!!  This is the best move I've ever made, career wise. 
I wish that it might come to pass, not fade like all my dreams.....

In other news: I'm slow.  I just figured out how to bridge my two ethernet ports on my pc.  Sheesh.
Wasted The Great said:
I wish that it might come to pass, not fade like all my dreams.....

They left our planet long ago, the elder race, to learn and grow...

That line always makes me shiver. It spells out what I hope the future of mankind to be.
Classic!  I love the sci-fi feel to it.

One of the parts that I enjoyed, back in the beginning, was the part where he kills himself (my life's blood spills over) and then the 'elder race' returns to take control, so you know that the music would live again.  I liked how they pointed out that you should never give up, cause you never know when you'll get what you want.