Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Black Dragon said:
Now I shall provide you with some inspirational art.


Best. Band. Ever.

Krieg >:[
national acrobat said:
Erm....the one in the pink t-shirt with his collar up? :p

Oh right, no prizes.  ;)

Actually, he's the one blending in with the wall while putting a sword through pink shirt guy's head...:p
Watch out everyone! The bored teenagers of suburbia are angry and want to be as angry as possible. They are here to destroy society with their unholy norsecore of doom!




Well, not really. They're just useless twats who turned black metal into a circus. But they're so cute! n_n

Black metal ist day care centre!
I really should not be using precious bandwidth of my employees leased line to merely post a trivial note such as this (even if the bandwidth will be in use for a few seconds). I have to set the example here at work.

But, I'm bored - and I leave in 5 minutes. Why start something productive within 5 minutes of me knocking off?
Don't you mean "employers" Albie?

BTW, great joke Silky about the guy blending in with the wall :lol:

It's official. Self-proclaimed metalheads are annoying dorks. Especially the younger ones. No wonder why I've never considered myself a metalhead. ^_^
The other day, I was out walking the dogs when one of them had to do his business. So, we stopped, he did it, then like a responsible dog owner I proceeded to clear it up. It was then I noticed an army of disorientated ants running off in all sorts of directions from where I picked it up.

Poor buggers. ;)
And now we have another interpretation of that Trivium video here.

Warning: Eyes and ears may melt along with a general numbing of the senses. Don't say I didn't warn you. :D