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Perhaps you should start with When The Wild Wind Blows? He doesn't go very high on that one and certainly doesn't scream (if it's screaming like at the end of Icarus he doesn't like). There's also quite little high vocals in general on that song (high, as in your typical 80s chorus like Aces High or The Trooper)
Great idea. It's also a bit of a departure for Maiden, not exactly their usual style.

After a month or so, I'm finally going to work tomorrow. At the original hotel, not that half-assed other one I worked in once. At least the money's better in this one.
Oh, and a guy got murdered near the hotel today. Isn't it funny?
Perun said:

What? You are actually complaining about that? Dvorák's 9th Symphony (aka "From the New World") is one of the greatest pieces of music ever composed. There was a time when I played nothing but that all day, for a week or two, and it may be the only piece of classical music I know by heart, note for note. You should thank your father for picking it.

EDIT: In fact, I'm going to put it on right now...
lol I played that one in beginning band. When we got to the part that Jaws stole from we all got excited and said stuff like "this dude ripped off Jaws!"  :lol:
Bwahaha, I'm listening to the 4th movement myself, right now, on Youtube. Some comments just crack me up.

There was one ignoramus that claimed the entire thing was ripped from an episode of the anime "One Piece"  :D
Eddies Wingman said:
There was one ignoramus that claimed the entire thing was ripped from an episode of the anime "One Piece"  :D

Don't you just want to exterminate mankind when you read this sort of thing? ;)
Tempting, tempting ... but I think it's sufficient to force the culprits through some massively humiliating punishment, in public. Like letting them be put in a pillory, and have all their body openings plugged with pieces of surströmming.
This is easily one of the best pictures I have ever seen.
